June 6, 2024 - Artificial Intelligence Design Startups Technology UI Design UX Design

How Designers Can use AI to Revolutionize the Entertainment Industry

The entertainment industry is one of the biggest market in the world, and is undergoing a transformation, all because of this little thing we call “AI”. From filmmaking and gaming to music and sports, AI is reshaping the way we create and experience entertainment. I wanted to use this post to get designers excited about […]

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February 2, 2024 - Design Gaming UI Design UX Design

Palworld’s Key to Success: A Powerful Design Driven Process

In the realm of gaming, where creativity knows no bounds, emerges a title that defies conventions and captures the imagination of millions – Palworld. Developed by the innovative Japanese studio, Pocket Pair, Palworld has rapidly ascended to become a household name in the gaming community. But what sets this action-adventure RPG survival game apart, and […]

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