June 6, 2024 - Artificial Intelligence Design Startups Technology UI Design UX Design

The entertainment industry is one of the biggest market in the world, and is undergoing a transformation, all because of this little thing we call “AI”. From filmmaking and gaming to music and sports, AI is reshaping the way we create and experience entertainment.

I wanted to use this post to get designers excited about the prospects of using AI to pave the way for a whole new type of user experience in the entertainment space. Ready? Buckle up!

AI powered Netflix?

Imagine a platform where you can create and interact with animated content using artificial intelligence. Welcome to Showrunner, the innovative streaming service developed by Fable Studio.

Showrunner, users can generate and customize shows through simple text prompts, ushering in a new era of interactive and collaborative content creation. The platform encourages users to create content for existing shows, with the best entries being included in the official catalog and creators receiving remuneration and revenue sharing if their content is picked up by a streamer.

AI in Gaming: A New Frontier

AI is making a significant impact on the gaming industry. With AI-powered tools, game developers can create more realistic environments, characters, and storylines, enhancing the overall gaming experience. AI can generate terrain, create believable NPCs, and even compose adaptive music for gameplay. Designers can use AI to create more immersive and engaging experiences, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

Music to Our Ears: AI in the Music Industry

AI is transforming the music industry by enabling the creation of new sounds, styles, and genres. AI-powered music generation tools allow artists to experiment with novel melodies, harmonies, and rhythms, pushing the boundaries of music production. Designers can use AI to generate soundtracks for films and video games or craft personalized playlists for individual listeners, creating innovative music experiences.

The Future of Entertainment: AI-Driven Innovation

As AI continues to reshape the entertainment industry, designers will play a crucial role in harnessing its potential. By embracing AI, designers can create innovative experiences that captivate audiences, drive engagement, and redefine the entertainment landscape. Whether in filmmaking, gaming, music, or sports, AI is unlocking new possibilities, and designers are at the forefront of this revolution.


The future of entertainment is AI-driven, with designers leading the way. As AI continues to transform the industry, designers must focus on how AI can help them create innovative experiences that captivate audiences worldwide. By harnessing the power of AI, designers can drive innovation and creativity, redefining the entertainment landscape and unlocking new possibilities.

But why should we care? It’s time we recognize the potential AI brings to us designers here — we can finally build truly personalized forms of entertainment for people.

Games that are generated on the fly, and are crafted to the interests of the user? Music that is created in real time, that match the users taste and current mood? Children’s movies created dynamically based on the prompt input of a parent, with the intent of teaching them important values? — This is now possible, thanks to AI.

All we need to do now, is take action. Let’s get working on ideas like these and blow up the entertainment industry.